Monday, August 24, 2020

Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay Essay Example

Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay The Apostle Paul was the extraordinary pioneer in the groundbreaking entry which described the missional age. the entry from a prevailingly Judaic to a prevailingly gentile Christianity. Under his advice Christianity was spared from atrophy’ and expire. which compromised it on the off chance that it stayed limited in Palestine. At a similar clasp. by ground of his infiltration into reality of the Gospel and devotion to it. each piece great as by his devotedness to the Old Testament and genuineness to the most elevated Judaic goals in which he had been raised. he spared Christianity from the good and otherworldly degeneration to which it would surely hold been carried on the off chance that it had broken with its days gone by. what's more, had attempted to stand altogether and crippled in the midst of the upheaval of Greek otherworldly movements of the first and second Christian hundreds of years. In Paul an incredible power of ahead movement and a significant and witting radicalism were joined with fundamentally moderate guidelines. We will compose a custom article test on Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Paul seems to hold been conceived at non a long way from a similar clasp as Jesus Christ. Blending to Acts. Paul was conceived in Tarsus ( Acts 9:11 ; and so on ) . gotten the double name Saul/Paul ( 13:9 ) . what's more, through his family unit had Tarsian and Roman citizenship ( 22:25-29 ( Murphy-O’Connor 32-33 ) . Generally. Paul can be portrayed as a capable and thoroughly prepared Jew. who had picked up from his home in a Grecian city that evaluation of Greek guidance which complete colleague with the Grecian phonetic correspondence and the acclimated use of the Grecian interlingual version of the Scriptures could pass on. At underside he ever remained the Jew. in his emotions. his experience of considerations. also, his way of thought. in any case, he realized how to do acceptably comprehensible to Greek perusers the facts where. as equivocation came to accept. put the fulfillment of their most profound requests. At Jerusalem Paul entered vigorously into the pursuit of the Pharisaic perfect of complete conformance in each particular to the Law. He was. he lets us know. â€Å"found blameless† ( to each oculus however that of his ain second thoughts ) . furthermore, he says. â€Å"I progressed in the Jews’ confidence past a significant number of mine ain age among my compatriots. being all the more very eager for the conventions of my fathers† . With fervent enthusiasm he went into the abuse of the Christian strict request. was available and took a kind of part at the killing of Stephen. furthermore, attempted to move on crafted by concealment outside of Palestine at Damascus. whither he traveled for this plan with letters of introduction from the legislatures at Jerusalem ( Murphy-O’Connor 52-57 ) . At this clasp took topographic point his change. That he was changed over. what's more, at or close to Damascus. his ain words leave no vulnerability. â€Å"I mistreated. † he says in making to the Galatians. â€Å"the Church of God. . . However, when it was the acceptable pleasance of God. who isolated me. indeed, even from my mother’s uterus. furthermore, called me through his beauty. to reveal his Son in me. that I may forecast him among the rapscallions ; straightway I consulted non with fragile living creature and blood: neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were witnesses before me: yet I went off into Arabia ; and again I returned unto Damascus† ( Gal I. 13-17 ) . The adjustment clearly introduced itself to Paul’s head as an immediate Godhead addition in his life. It came to him in a divulgence of Jesus Christ. whereby ( and through no human middle person ) he got the Gospel which he lectured. what's more, the board to be a messenger. He alludes to it with regards to an individual occasion and a flat out modification of way. non a progressive system and improvement ; the two pieces of his life stood forcefully differentiated. he did non gestate that he had slid by unperceivable stages from one to the next. â€Å"What things [ I. e. his focal points of birth and Judaic accomplishment ] were expansion to me. these have I tallied misfortune for Christ. . . or then again whom I suffered† †as though in an individual moment â€â€ the loss of all things† ( Phil. three. 7. 8 ) . From Paul’s ain words. so. we realize that he was changed over from a tormentor to a Christian. at a clear clasp and at or close to Damascus. by what he viewed as the immediate contribution of God ; and it is by all accounts this experience of which he thought as a dream of the risen Christ ( Hubbard 176-77 ) . After Paul’s progress. which took topographic point in the last part of the rule of Tiberius ( 14-37 a. d. ) . around 15 mature ages went before the missional calling started of which we have information from Acts and from Paul’s ain epistles. During this clasp Paul was preeminent in Arabia. that is in some segment of the imperium of which Damascus was the most commended city. so in Damascus. what's more, consequently. after a concise visit to Jerusalem. in Cilicia. without a doubt at his old spot Tarsus. In this period we may state that he was seting his entire arrangement of thought to the new Center which had set up itself in his mind. the Messiahship of Jesus. With the new balance in head each part of his objective universe must hold been thoroughly considered. Especially. we may accept. will he hold considered the connection of Christian religion to the old agreement and to the considerations of the Prophetss. The product of these mature ages we have in the out and out thought of the epistles. They show a dauntlessness of position and a readiness of asset in the use of the Old Testament. which vouch for through work in the clasp of preparing. Epistles composed mature ages separated. like Galatians. Romans and Philippians. shock us by their consistency of thought and unstrained comparability of phonetic correspondence. in perniciousness of the abundance and vivacity of Paul’s thought and way. So. for the most part. the trademark considerations even of Epliesians and Colossians are found proposed in source in Corinthians and the previous epistles. Paul’s epistles speak to the abstract blooming of a head arranged by mature ages of overview and thought ( Murphy-O’Connor 90-95 ) . At Paul’s missional excursion and the start so made of holy places in Asia Minor we have just glanced in an old section. After his arrival to Antioch followed that incredible and polar point of early Christian history. the supposed Council. or on the other hand Conference. at Jerusalem. depicted in the fifteenth section of Acts and by Paul in the second part of Galatians. At that cut Paul set up his entitlement to move on crafted by Christian missions in congruity with his ain principles and his ain dread of the Christian confidence. His connection with the Twelve Apostles appears to be so and consistently to hold been approachable. His difficulties originated from others in the Judaic Church. To this we are aware of simply one rejection. apparently marginally in this manner than the Conference. the crossroads at Antioch when Peter under power per unit region from Jerusalem pulled back from family with the gentile brethren. also, got out from Paul the horrible upbraiding of which we read in Galatians. There is ground to accept that the criticism achieved its expectation. At any rate. at a ulterior clasp there is no grounds of a proceeded with penetrate. The idea of missional travel had clearly taken responsibility for. for in the wake of coming back from Jerusalem to Antioch he without further ado began again. furthermore, was interminably busy with missional work from this point until the moment of his misgiving at Jerusalem. Leaving Antioch on his second excursion he and his confidants rushed across Asia Minor. stopping simply. it would look. to return to and review houses of worship aforesaid built up. They were driven by the Holy Spirit. as the creator of Acts accepted. to coordinate their class westbound each piece rapidly as conceivable to Greece. which was to be the accompanying stage in the manner to the capital of the universe. In Macedonia and Achaia Paul and his friends worked with changing accomplishment at Philippi. Thessalonica. Ber? a. Athens. Corinth. At Corinth. the principle business city of Greece. the Christians showed up in the pre-winter. The work opened great. furthermore, Paul stayed at that of import Center until a twelvemonth from the accompanying spring. The day of the period of his coming to can non be definitely decided. yet, is likely one of the five mature ages somewhere in the range of 49 and 53 a. d. While at Corinth he composed the First and ( on the off chance that it is echt ) the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. Some place about this clasp. perhaps before go forthing Antioch for this excursion. the Epistle to the Galatians was composed. The places of worship of Galatia. to which it is tended to. were likely the holy places referred to us in Acts as Pisithan Antioch. Iconium. Lystra. what's more, Derbe. After a winging excursion to Syria and conceivably to Jerusalem Paul came back to Ephesus in Asia Minor. where he settled down for a stay of three mature ages. A couple of episodes of this period have been recorded in the Book of Acts. furthermore, are among the most emotional and reasonable that we have. They incorporate a solitary figure of purposes of contact with realities known to us from archeological finds. what's more, in no parts of Acts is our affirmation more to the full consoled in the cutting edge comprehension and the trustiness of the writer of the book. While at Ephesus Paul had a lot of speaking with Corinth. also, composed I Corinthians. which had unmistakably been gone before by another note. There are indicants in II Corinthians that after this he found the difficulties in the congregation at Corinth with the end goal that he kept in touch with them in any event one note which has b

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critically evaluate using examples the issue of stop and search and Essay

Fundamentally assess utilizing models the issue of stop and look and talk about how the police have controlled their forces viably in their push to battle - Essay Example Present day world is crammed with complexities and this has its appearance in each constituent of the general public including criminology. â€Å"Crime control is in emergency. Have levels of wrongdoing risen, yet wrongdoing is progressively viewed as a typical part of the social and financial framework, instead of as interruption or deviance† (Lea, 2003). The police, in their endeavors to check the quantity of wrongdoings, have embraced different approaches and the administration gives most extreme help to these endeavors. Regardless of these measures the measure of wrongdoing and savagery is everything except checked. Or maybe, a considerable lot of the police systems speak more loudly of inconveniences among the overall population. The instance of controlling interior viciousness isn't extraordinary. â€Å"Nevertheless, the police capacity to control aggressive behavior at home is . . . restricted and Conditional.† (Sherman, 1992, p. 247-248). A basic conversation on stop and search and the police organization of forces not just assist us with distinguishing the effectiveness of the framework in battling wrongdoing however more critically make out the issues of criminology in general. Controlled appropriately, stop and search is one of the best instruments of policing in battling wrongdoing and in this manner guaranteeing interior wellbeing and security. Wrongdoing is an inescapable quality of each general public and has been one of the essential worries of the general public at each age. Particularly in the advanced situation, we locate a recharged unsteadiness and struggle and a producing danger to the material endurance of the planet. â€Å"Crime is a focal component of this bleak situation as it dynamically loses its status as a plainly recognizable disturbance of the ordinary tranquil procedures of social, political and financial life to turn into a center component of those procedures themselves† (Lea, 2003). It is, accordingly, important that the regularly measuring number of wrongdoing and its related circumstance is tended to and concentrated so as to

Saturday, July 25, 2020

12 Ways to Increase Online Sales Quickly

12 Ways to Increase Online Sales Quickly Are you looking for marketing strategies you can easily employ at relatively low costs to boost your online sales and influence consumer behavior? Then yes â€" you have made the right stop.Are you probably thinking this is another scheme to get some easy online views from unsuspecting readers?But, no â€" this is not just another business or marketing article you have to skim through or ignore.Instead, these are the steps you were looking for to ensure the return on your e-commerce investment is greater than planned.Information is the roadmap to transformation. The elite of our society are not just elite because they inherited it, but because of the endless search for information to revolutionize their business approach, style and customer relations.Here are 12 ways you can easily implement for your online business and make a mouthwatering wave of sales in your online store. Quality information that will totally enhance customer behavior and guarantee increase your online sales if put to use accordingly.OUTLINEAlways post quality content  Upsell cross-sellImportance of personalized product recommendation to unveil product discoveryShow off buyers’ testimonials and indications of trustCreate a sense of urgencyInvest in quality product imagesUse pop-up offersTalk to your prospects on social mediaRemarketing closes more deals than you imagineUsing the personalized call-to-actionFocus on your audience’s favorite platformsReduce friction in the checkout processLet’s get started!1. ALWAYS POST QUALITY CONTENTOne of the first and major things to consider when you want to increase your sales is the quality of content you publish.The quality of the content you post on your webpages and your social media platforms will determine the way customers will perceive your store.So what exactly do you publish on your pages?Are your write-ups on the pages of your store, text, emails, pictures, thumbnails, and adverts average, good or exceptional content?Posting a lot of var iety of information does not necessarily mean you are impressing.Your posts must be tailored to your brand, and your business’ philosophy.Do not just post adverts all the time. You can post resourceful information such as research or manufacturer’s note on a product. This will greatly affect the interests and behavior of customers towards your online store.Your clients are intelligent people and like to be valued as such.Share more useful content, such as product demonstration videos on YouTube, interesting facts on Instagram, and list of gift ideas on Twitter and Facebook.Do not rest on past reputation. Increase the quality of your e-commerce marketing content. Robert Allen notes in Smart Insights’ 2017 E-Commerce Trends, “Good e-commerce marketers will need to produce exceptional content to manage to stand out in 2017.”Therefore, in order to increase sales especially for a long-term, do pay attention and take care of the information that is posted online.2. UPSELL CROSS -SELL  One vital way of quickly increasing online sales is through Upselling and Cross-selling strategies.These two ideas are accountable for an average of 10 â€" 30% of eCommerce revenue. Upselling and Cross-selling are interchangeable terms but actually, they mean different things.Upsell means offering a higher-grade alternative. For example, a customer planning to buy a brown handbag may get an offer to buy a white leather handbag of a higher grade that is cool and much more mature in its look. The new option must correlate with the one she is intending to buy already otherwise; it cannot be regarded as an alternative.Cross-selling means offering a package of complementary items that match the already existing option. For example, two additional offers of a face cap and footwear to match an order in the cart for a T-shirt.These tactics explained here are great and quick ways to increase sales as it encourages customers to buy more than they originally planned.First, you have to i dentify products for which you can create either Upsell or Cross-selling offers.Some ideas should probably be coming up in your mind already.For example, phone accessories go well along with orders of phones.One good tip is that whatever your Upsell or Cross-sell offer is, make sure they are not overly expensive. You can quickly implement this and boost average order value of each customer in your online store.3. IMPORTANCE OF PERSONALIZED PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION TO UNVEIL PRODUCT DISCOVERY  Perhaps, you are looking for a way to influence customer behavior towards certain products and get more sales for others; personalized product recommendation is a great way to go.A couple of years ago, Amazon revealed that 35% of their revenue was from product recommendations. This technological idea now dominates e-commerce. Until now, product suggestion blocks cover 70% of Amazon’s homepage.One thing to note is that these recommendations are generated and shaped by each shoppers interests and buying behavior.By creating product suggestion blocks that are relevant to the buyers’ searches, you are also creating more chances of increasing your conversion rates.This tactic is powered by the idea of preventing visitors from leaving empty-handed and encourages customers to add more items to cart.You can create product suggestion blocks maybe at the foot of your pages or vertically at one side of the pages. You can also create a scrolling facility to enable purchasers to check out more of the available options. You can add it to any page, even the cart page.The idea is to keep selling until the customer has left your online store. Amazon even suggests more items after checkout to increase chances of repeat purchases.This strategy will be more effective when it is more specific.For example, the suggestion blocks should tailor to a category of customers or category of products. This can be achieved by using a Personalized Recommendation App. The application uses built-in algor ithms to collect and analyze customer’s data to generate tailored suggestions each customer is most likely to buy.Data for such specific development may also be extracted from the cookies on your site, previous searches from the customer via his account or current searches linked to matching orders (for example: a click on the category of women jewelry should bring up suggestion blocks on other fancy jewelry or hair accessories).Please do not forget to add images of suggested products. It will also provide direction to users who do not know the exact names of the product they want. 4. SHOW OFF BUYERS’ TESTIMONIALS AND INDICATIONS OF TRUSTNothing works on an intending customer than proofs of satisfaction of quality from other customers. It works like magic.Let me give you a scenario. I never wanted to watch the popular movie series, “Game of Thrones”. I just did not fancy watching what everyone was crazy about.But my friends would not just keep quiet about the hype. Fast forw ard to a few days later, I bought the first two seasons. I could not get over it until I finished watching the last episode in Season 7!It was that serious.So, you may have high-quality products in your store and not have a matching record of purchases but I tell you, testimonials and recommendations truly work like magic and get visitors addicted to your store after their first purchases.A survey from BrightLocal found that 85-percent of consumers trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation. However, there are a few things you must get in place to get this working perfectly for you.Do you have customers who have been pleased with products from your store?Then you can start from there.You need to develop a feedback system on your page to enable customers to give their responses in their own words. You can reinforce the goodwill and reputation of your store as slides on your pages.This may include testimonials (short quotes), industry awards, personal recommendations and so on.Another way of doing this is showing how you reward loyalty with testimonials of customers who got discounts, bonus or free shipping on their orders as a result of regularly patronizing your online store.This would make customers feel not only their money’s worth is being given to them but a value return for searching for your store every time they have an order to check first with your store.Generally, this is a very good way to increase online sales.As a new business, this is one of the best ways to go to get better conversion rates. The more positive reviews your products get, the higher the conversion rates. Already existing and reputable online stores who already use this strategy can upgrade by making such testimonials more visible. It is obviously a sign of trust and growing influence.It is also important to note this: you are not perfect. Your site is not perfect too, so on it include testimonials that speak about how you responded to customers who had technical problems and how they are satisfied with your fast response and resolution.This will incredibly impress visitors and give customers who you already enjoy their trust to encourage more people to visit your store.It is also a subtle way to advertise products on your store as customers will definitely pick out products to comment on.Remember, the more reviews, the higher the conversion rates. You can also include photos of customers who are now enjoying their products. You may also have to monitor comments to avoid abusive comments on your pages.In the long run, I can assure and reassure that you will thank yourself for employing this strategy.5. CREATE A SENSE OF URGENCYHave you ever participated in any product auction before?If yes, do you remember the way your heart must have kept racing as the time trickled down.Or maybe it was a product you always wanted to buy and you logged on to the store only to find out that it would be out of stock in the next few minutes and you did all you could to purchase it?Well, the online store owners put up that ploy to make you anxious and create a real sense of urgency in you that you had to increase their sales that day with one more.Can you imagine how many people like you could have ordered from the same store under the same circumstance and pressure?Bottom line is the store had more sales within those hours on such products because they were able to create a sense of urgency. You can also employ this master art to increase sales in your online store or business.Another fact about people is that they love competition. The private joy and fulfillment they have beaten others to a thing. It is a win-win situation.A purchaser naturally feels smart and like a winner when he/she is able to pull of his/her order within the timeframe. If they lose out due to time or higher bidders, you can be sure it will keep them on their toes to check up your store regularly so they do not miss out.I really cannot see any way this strategy will backfire.This is because it is a situation of which you are in charge as you determine the time the product will be in store, the number of stock and when the bonus will run out. You can renew, modify or create the new such situation all over again.So, it is time to create a sense of urgency about specific products in your store, you can start with averagely purchased products so as to increase sales on them. Incentives prove to be of help in creating such circumstances.For example, offers with time lapse, limited editions of a product, exclusive editions, etc.6. INVEST IN QUALITY PRODUCT IMAGES  Your mind must have wondered, “Do I have to do this too?”Just before you skip this point, this might be the step that proves to be the turnaround for your store.Let me explain this in simple everyday terms.How do you like food being presented to you? Which would you really prefer: a shabby presentation as in most local restaurants or in an exquisite package like a well-topped pizza or yummy drumstick from Kentucky Fried Chicken?The basic difference between these two modes of presentation is actually the philosophy, efforts, and discipline that goes into a presentation that later reflects hugely in the price and turnover for the respective seller.The same actually goes for the pictures of products you put up in your store. You have to invest in quality product images and not just poorly taken pictures.The impression you get when you are served in a local restaurant and in a hotel restaurant (executive treatment) will be exactly the same impression users of your store will get when they see your product images.This will ultimately affect purchases, unplanned purchases and repeat purchases positively. Regardless of the products you sell, the way your customers view your store by reason of images will greatly affect conversion rates.Perception is key (and reality).7. USE POP-UP OFFERSYes, the word “pop-up” easily sounds notorious and annoying at first thought but it is an employable strategy when it comes to special offers and bonuses.Think of this as a chess game and pop-up offers as pawns.You can employ them sparingly in a well-managed manner to increase sales at your store and drastically reduce shopping cart abandonment.On average, pop-up offers have a 3.1-percent conversion rate. A company that provides lead capture solutions, Sumo, found that on average, pop-ups had a 3-percent conversion rate. But the top 10-percent highest performing pop-ups had an average conversion rate three times higher.Do you have a mouth-watering offer, bonus offers or discount products? Maybe it is a product that you are offering free shipping for or a popular product that is topping the sales charts for the week, then you can effectively deploy a pop-up as a useful tool.Only the relevant information should be included on it. This way, pop-ups on your online store would be seen as gifts and not unwanted distractions.Nonetheless you can ask for customers’ ac tions in exchange for the discount or bonus offers. For example, ask customers to share your content on their social media page in exchange for a free shipping offer.Beat this: Kutoa, a company that sells health bars online, recorded 187-percent increase in their sales conversion rate by employing discount pop-up offers. It is that simple! 8. TALK TO YOUR PROSPECTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Have you ever felt like you talked to the best customer care agent ever? Or felt like suing the company for hiring a very annoying and/or unpolite agent?Your customers also get these feelings when you either ignore them, respond badly to their queries or treat them as special.There is need to establish actual communication with your prospects on social media. Do not just post pictures, videos or long posts for them to like and share â€" there are laws of social media marketing you must abide by.It is important for every online brand to take their customer relations very seriously.It is the fine line betwe en the trending stores and the unknown or forgotten stores.In this social media age, the creation of social media outlets to engage customers on these social platforms cannot be overemphasized. On this platform, prospective purchasers are watching or communicating their interests and curiosity, purchasers are seeking clarifications and the next steps to take while loyal customers are waiting for your next rewards, offers and so on.You cannot afford to lose out over a possible million purchasers across these categories by refusing to actually and actively talk with them.Social media houses more than millions of prospective purchasers and the more popular your brand is, the more likely your rates of conversion will increase in a flash of time.All you need is to devote time to these numerous clients.Engage them in meaningful conversations and give honest advice on how they can shop best. Then, you will begin to see your posts being shared, your pictures getting tremendous number of lik es and so on. You create brand awareness, satisfaction and increase in sales altogether in one shot.Just imagine that you just retweeted a big companys post or picture or inquired about their services and the giant brand actually took the time to thank you specifically or attend to your inquiries or complaints almost immediately.You will be feeling valued and special and you can do the same for your customers â€" even if it means hiring a social media expert.9. REMARKETING CLOSES MORE DEALS THAN YOU IMAGINEHave you considered the importance and role of remarketing in increasing sales of products in your store?If you are not into remarketing products, then you are relying on prospective buyers to increase your conversion rates.Well, that is not likely to work as great as you will need it to if it actually ever works. Remarketing can change the whole outlook of your sales on a product.You can choose to remarket a product or a specific time-sensitive sale offer (as discussed in this ar ticle on how to create a sense of urgency). This will undoubtedly increase sales online.Apart from increasing sales, remarketing provides you with the opportunity to establish your brand as a top priority for your customers and gives prospective customers numerous choices to pick from. You can easily remarket with paid search or paid social media campaigns.Check out The Ultimate Guide to AdWords Remarketing and The Ridiculously Awesome Guide to Facebook Remarketing.10. USING THE PERSONALIZED CALL-TO-ACTIONSince measuring conversion rates is essential to increasing sales, it is important to optimize where that conversion takes place: Your calls-to-action.A call-to-action (CTA) can be referred to as a tool on a page that tells a reader or customer to take a specific step.For example, it could be a button labeled “Order Now” or “Add to Cart.” CTAs are important in calling your customers to carry out steps to further their transactions on your page. CTAs can tell readers to take other steps such as clicking a link or button to “Like”, “Share”, subscribe to the mailing list or follow on a social media page.So, what does it mean to have a “Personalized” Call-To-Action? This is to have a CTA customized to an individual or customer. This is important to make your customers feel at home when visiting your store.They are not worried about having unnecessary CTAs while on your site. They get the feeling of visiting a physical store where a store attendant knows how to treat their needs and walk them over the all store based on whether they are first-timers or loyal customers.To get results from taking this step will rely on how you maximize or deploy CTAs effectively on your site. First, you have to add your users into different segments to cater for this.For example, you can develop different email campaigns for direct paying clients and unconverted leads (have different email lists). The direct paying customers get a link to a different landing page and the leads get another link where they can be persuaded into making purchases.However, you should note that it does not necessarily address each individual visitor separately. Rather, it takes into account where they are in your sales funnel. While studying the use of over 93000 CTAs, HubSpot found that personalizing the CTA text based on whether users are visitors, leads, or paying customers increased conversion rates.This study and business decision resulted in converting 42-percent more visitors into leads for HubSpot.So, if you are thinking of increasing the pace of your online conversion rates, you can consider implementing personalized CTAs as it increases leads and subsequently results in more sales. 11. FOCUS ON YOUR AUDIENCE’S FAVORITE PLATFORMS  Are your social media activities not existing? If yes, then wake-up â€" this is the Social Media Century. If your brand is not yet very active on social media, I can categorically tell that you are missing a whole lot of sale s. A whole lot.But you could get started immediately by amassing data on the sites your customers visit and concentrate on reaching out.There are over hundreds of social media platforms and it is most likely that your clients would be spread across. Do not dissipate your energy and resources trying to play catch up with them all.Focus on where your strongest customer signal is. You need to get your brand, image imprinted on the sands of that platform. So strong that it is almost impossible for them not to notice each day they log on.For instance, you can focus on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter if you deliver products like jewelry, handbags, cakes etc. Social Media Strategist Peg Fitzpatrick says,“It’s better to be amazing at one or two social platforms than suck on five or six.”Perform a short survey of which platforms host the highest concentration of your clients. Establish your content marketing and target advertisement on these identified platforms and you are good to go !Below are additional tips to make this work effectively.Use the same hashtag across different platformsCreate flash salesOffer couponsPin a contestGenerate leads through giveawaysPromote free shippingGo mobileIncrease exposure of your social media sites on your pagesPost pictures12. REDUCE FRICTION IN THE CHECKOUT PROCESS  I once visited an online store to order jewelry for someone dear to me.The checkout process was so tedious that I had to abandon the cart and move to another online store where I got my product easily.A difficult checkout process is arguably one of the easiest ways to lose sales. According to Business Insider, approximately $4 TRILLION worth of online merchandise was abandoned in incomplete shopping carts in 2015, of which 63% was potentially recoverable. I can guarantee that you do not want to be a major shareholder in such statistic.Your check out process is crucial for user experience.Do you have a direct and easy to comprehend check out process?Once there are glitches, unwanted links, site errors on a purchaser’s check out process, it creates impatience and subsequent abandonment. Unlike a physical store where the attendant may plead with the customer to stay back or quickly sort out the issues with check out, this is not the case with online stores.If your check out process is complicated nobody gains, nobody wins â€" except the next online store that was wise enough to simplify theirs.What are your payment options? Do you have a wide variety of payment choices?If not, you need to implement this ASAP.Add all on one page like a form and once the customer fills the option he/she desires, the details of the account appear immediately, so they can make the payment and log out with ease. We all want ease when shopping.Research by the Baymard Institute showed that 28% of the cases of cart abandonment are due to a complicated or extended checkout process.To eliminate unnecessary steps in your check out process and make it seamless include o nly necessary steps and clicks. That way you can be assured you have avoided the risk of cart abandonment because of your checkout process.CONCLUDING REMARKSIf you have already implemented some of the tips above, you can still expend them or try new ones, as there is plenty of rooms for improvement.Most giant online stores have already implemented these approaches and continue to do so until today. You can be the next giant online store to emerge with an increase in your sales.Also, remember not to focus on just the short-term approaches and results. Plan, prepare and implement.  If you had the guts to start up an online store, you definitely have what it takes to make your online business a mega online shop. Get on with these tips and enjoy your dream becoming true.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Online Social Networking Dangers and Benefits Essay

For years and years, the internet has been offering a very extensive variety of information, social networking sites, merchandise purchases, online banking and many other services that our grandparents and our great grandparents could only dream of. This doesn’t mean that it’s all good or useful information and sites. Neither does it mean it hasn’t had a huge impact on the way society is changing just because it is a virtual space. â€Å"The internet is home to millions of sites, representing both commerce and the people who share their thoughts and experiences with anyone who visits† (Amp Your MySpace Page 99) The webpages that have had much more impact on society are social networking sites such as, Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Friendster, etc.†¦show more content†¦(What Matters In America 52). Many kids are growing up in a world where their â€Å"friends† are a bunch of pictures on their profiles and a â€Å"community† is a virtual place where you can meet and interact with virtual people. Modern kids and teenagers are living in a world where they create their own virtual persona, which can be anything they want even if it’s not even close to what they really are in real life. This can even turn into a psychological issue because â€Å"these people grow up going to school, work and public places as one person but they still have that urge to become someone else once they’re online†( There have been many reported cases where a good, trusting person agrees to meet with someone else only to find that that person is a sexual predator, a thief, or some kind of lunatic. It is true that even if you meet someone face to face instead of online you can find them to be jerks also, but I think it’s a smaller risk. I was told by my Mexican grandmother that in her good ol’ days, when a girl wanted to go out with a boy they would go out to a water fountain in the middle of the town park and just walk around and around until the boy of the girl’s liking gave her a flower; then they would walk together and get to know each other, which almost always ended in marriage. In our modern era, if you want to meet someone it seems that all you have to do is go onto orShow MoreRelatedSocial Sites: Virtual Playgrounds or Predatory Hunting Grounds956 Words   |  4 PagesSocial interaction via internet has become a raving craze, but the debate of online safety measures necessary for children using social sites has become a hot topic of discussion. Social sites open the door to online interaction with friends, relatives, and classmates; but they also enhance the risk of interaction with online predators. Representative Michael Fitzpatrick, from Pennsylvania, is a sponsor of the Deletin g Online Predators Act. He is an advocate for extreme online restrictions for childrenRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Impact On Society1350 Words   |  6 Pagesusers of social networking, increase the amount of social networking being used each and every day. From January 2008 to January 2014 â€Å"the use of online social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest went up from twenty six percent to seventy four percent† (â€Å"Social Networking†). Spending too much time on social networking, causes some of the people to become distracted from their school, work, and their everyday lives. Social networking is a distractionRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Youth Essay1016 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Social Media on the Youth of Today Studies have shown that the average person now spends more time each day on their phone and computer than they do sleeping according to Nick McGillivray (â€Å"What are the Effects of Social Media on Youth?). Social has become part of our social society, especially for the many youths. There are positives to being on social media and also equal amounts of danger that come with using social networking sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etcRead MoreThe Dangers Of Social Media1177 Words   |  5 PagesCarlos M. Fernandez Cornelius Brownlee Fund. Of Speech September 18, 2015 Dangers of Social Media In the offline world, communities are much more easily managed, and rules enforced. However, in the virtual world that is the internet, rules become arbitrary. It is scary how much we have incorporated social media into our lives, to the point we are almost dependent on it. While social networking sites may have started off as places where we could share thoughts with our peers and communicate with ourRead MoreDangers Benefits of Social Networking942 Words   |  4 PagesThe Dangers and Benefits of Social Networking The Do s and Dont s: Social Networking Dangers * Adults use the sites * Innapropriate language, nudity, alcohol use, sexually provocative images, etc. * Predators use it to gather information * No real method of age verification * Some social networking services allow people to view profiles without logging on Social Networking Do s * Set profiles to private * Read saftey tips on ALL SN websites Read MoreEssay on Social Networking Sites: Beneficial to Society1451 Words   |  6 PagesSocial networking sites are great for society, promoting increased communication and connection between hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. While some people do argue that the dangers of online networking far outweigh the benefits, it is clear that this is not the case; rather it is the other way around. Online social networking can be broadly defined as any website or other type of online communication that allows people to interact with each other. Blogging, or keeping an onlineRead MoreEssay about The Role of Social Media in American Society 1127 Words   |  5 PagesWhen analyzing the role of social media in American society, several questions come to mind. What is social media and are these social media and networking sites helpful to the people of America; can these sites be used to enhance or do they intrude in the relationships people have with others, and can they be integrated into their daily lives successfully. As the world becomes more and more technology friendly, the internet has transformed into a place that nearly everyone can go to get away. WithRead MoreControversial Issues essay about Social Networking2034 Words   |  6 PagesThe Benefits of Social Networking Abstract In the following essay, the benefits and consequences of social networking are explained and the different uses of social media are revealed. Websites, such as Facebook, have grown so popular that they have been created into mobile apps for individuals to use when he or she is unable to access a computer. With the significant increase in the number of its users, social networking has become a universal activity with its positive effects outweighing itsRead MoreDo the Benefits of Social Networking Outweigh the Risks?1447 Words   |  6 Pagespeople log into social networking sites each day. While this might be just another fact to support the theory that many people are addicted to social media, one might be tempted to wonder if social media sites have any benefits. The risks and dangers commonly associated with social media certainly seem to disregard these. However, upon closer examination of social media and the possible uses of such sites, a more suitable and reasonable statement is that social media do indeed have benefits that outweighRead MoreComputers and Ethics1540 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Networking Danielle Morris Professor Virginia Booth INF 103: Computer Literacy April 16, 2014 Communication is an inevitable occurrence in life and is vital to building and maintaining relationships. Individuals typically interact with family, friends, and colleagues regularly. Previously, landline phones and postal mail were popular methods of communication that individuals and businesses relied on. These venues were used to relay information, engage in transactions, and keep in

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Causes Of Veteran Homelessness - 2513 Words

The United States of America rests on the shoulders of our brave men and women. It is unfortunate that once a soldier returns home, he or she has the strong likelihood that a roof, four walls, and a job will not be waiting. It is the responsibility of the people of this great nation to provide the support that these veterans need to survive in this world; they would help us survive in theirs. If goals are put in place and there is enough effort and power backing up the motor of these goals, then accomplishing an end to veteran homelessness will occur. This paper will examine the causes of veteran homelessness and how to cease and prevent veteran homelessness from happening and reoccurring. According to the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, as of 2014, 13.2% of the American population was homeless. Additionally, it was found that another 3.5 million people were strained to finding shelter in parks, under bridges, or sleeping in cars. Of this 13.2%, 23% of thos e suffering were United States veterans. The reason as to why veterans become homeless is due to war-related disabilities, such as physical disabilities, mental detriment, posttraumatic stress disorder, and an inability to reorganize themselves back into civilian life, noted in â€Å"Homeless Veterans: Perspectives on Social Services Use.† In April of 2008, the U.S. Department of Labor released the unemployment rates of those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 and the percentage ofShow MoreRelatedHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1610 Words   |  7 PagesHomelessness is a monster. Each day, there are people on the streets suffering from homelessness. These unsheltered people litter the streets, and plead for help. There are different types of homelessness, but the most monstrous is chronic. The chronically homeless are left to endure the hardships of homelessness without hope of an effective solution. Americans disregard all homeless populations, but the m ost heart wrenching group that is disregarded is the veterans. The veteran homelessness problemRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness Among Veterans1566 Words   |  7 PagesHomelessness among veterans is a highly disregarded issue that doesn’t seem to be improving on its own. In many cases, homelessness is out of the veteran’s control, so the question that is being asked is; why so many veterans are homeless and what can everyone, including the veterans, can do about this significant and overlooked problem. This question is essential to finding the solution since it looks at this situation from both sides of the problem: It not only finds ways that the noncombatantsRead MoreHomeless Veterans Are Becoming More Prevalent Of The United States886 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTION American homeless veterans are becoming more prevalent in the United States. Research will show that American veterans are an overrepresented population among the homeless in the U.S. A homeless veteran is an individual who lives on the streets, in abandoned buildings, vehicles, encampments, shelters, or transitional housing (Veterans Today, 2013). As a matter of fact, homeless veterans do not have a permanent residence under their control. Homelessness in general includes those whoRead MoreVeterans : The Homeless Veterans1245 Words   |  5 PagesVeterans Homelessness United States veterans have risked their lives in order to give us all the freedom we have today, yet they are struggling in the society we have today and are forced to live on the streets. One major issue in our world today is the increasing number of how many veterans are homeless. After researching I have found the five most commonly discussed topics in this subject are; the number of homeless veterans in the whole United States, the different causes of veterans homelessnessRead MoreThe Disgrace of Veteran Homelessness Essay1400 Words   |  6 Pagesthe strongest military. Yet even America falls prey to a social ill that plagues every society, that of the homelessness of its citizens. Shamefully of those homeless 23% are reported to be veterans, although the actual numbers may be much larger (Coalition for the Homeless). These soldiers gave of themselves for their country and now annually more than 500,000 of them experience homelessness (National Coalition for the Homeless). It is a disgraceful fact that in the greatest country in the world,Read MoreThe Problem Of Homeless People1280 Words   |  6 PagesWhen thinking of homeless people, one would probably think of a bum who is an addict or alcoholic. Homelessness affects a variety of people. Homelessness as an issue in today s society is largely ignored. The problem of homelessness is barely noticed. The growing population of homeless people is shown that more people are still suffering financial problems and struggling in maintaining their life basis. Many families and children have experienced trauma prior to becoming homeless. Parents areRead MoreHomelessness Among Veterans of the U.S. Military Essay1247 Words   |  5 PagesContributing Factors The presence of additional risk for homelessness specifically associated with Veteran status is puzzling in that it occurs among a population that shows better outcomes on almost all socioeconomic measures and that has exclusive access to an extensive system of benefits that include comprehensive healthcare services, disability and pension assistance, and homeless services (Fargo, et al, 24). In spite of having many advantages, veterans over-represent in the homeless population. The questionRead MoreHomeless in The United States 1309 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness is a problem that happens in many different countries around the world. Definitions of homelessness are defined in different meanings by different people. However, the Stewart B. McKinney Act defines a homeless person as â€Å" one who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel, or any public or private place not designed as sleeping accommodations for human beings† (McNamara 1025). It is impossible to find out exactly theRead MoreHomelessness : Extreme Poverty And The Urban Housing Crisis913 Words   |  4 PagesHomelessness has affected many individuals throughout the United States and the world. On, 2014 the National Alliance to End Homelessness collected that â€Å"578,424 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in t he United States (â€Å"Snapshot of Homelessness). Most individuals believe that more individuals are single, but â€Å"216,197 are people in families,† and â€Å"362,163 are individuals,† (â€Å"Snapshot of Homelessness). Homelessness affects everyone, from families to individuals and veterans. In theRead MoreHomeless Veterans: The Fight at Home1367 Words   |  5 PagesHomeless Veterans: The Fight at Home Every night more than sixty-five thousand veterans are looking for a place to lay their heads, they are homeless. For over a decade these men and women of our armed forces have been returning home from the conflicts overseas; each year their presence in the homeless community has increased significantly. The reintegration from a structured military lifestyle to a lax civilian life can make adjusting difficult for service members. These men and women, who have

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Because of postmodernist changes in economic conditions Free Essays

The current business environment is characterized by a considerable level of competitive rivalry and therefore businesses have to constantly reengineer their internal processes in order to build and maintain a competitive advantage. In this respect, a business organization has three strategies at its disposal: differentiation, cost-minimization and focus (cited in Dess, 2007). Because of postmodernist changes in economic conditions, businesses have been globalizing their operations in order to implement the strategy of cost minimization. We will write a custom essay sample on Because of postmodernist changes in economic conditions or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is because in some countries lower labor costs reduce the cost of operations. This enables businesses to build a competitive advantage. However given the high state of competitive rivalry in the current business environment, achieving sustainability is the critical success factor. Strategies of differentiation, cost minimization and focus cannot meet this objective of achieving sustainability. In order to meet this objective, the top management has to build the right organizational culture. Organizations structures must adapt constantly to the changes taking place in the external environment. As a result, the process of managing change becomes a critical success factor in the organizational context. When it comes to managing change involving an IT project, the strategic alignment process becomes relevant. This alignment takes place between IT strategy, business strategy, organizational issues and information systems issues. Managing change is a difficult process because alignment with strategic focus must be maintained. Otherwise the value of managing change will have been lost. In this regard, the critical consideration is to minimize the level of employee resistance. Most change management projects fail because of employee resistance. However the management can avoid this problem by involving the employees in the process from the beginning. In this respect, building an organizational culture based on ownership, responsibility and accountability is the critical success factor. This enables the management to enhance employee motivation. According to Hammer Champy 1994, the process of reengineering internal business processes is best facilitated through implementing the balanced scorecard methodology. This methodology becomes particularly relevant in the context of David Harvey’s account of post-modernity. According to David Harvey’s account of post-modernity, the process of international business has facilitated the high speed of labor mobility. This means that working conditions cannot be monitored sufficiently. This is because businesses are reengineering their internal business processes in terms of globalizing their operations. The balanced scorecard methodology views the organization from four perspectives: financial, customer, learning and growth, and internal business processes. The advantage in managing change under the framework of the balanced scorecard is that this process emphasizes the interconnectedness between different process chains. This facilitates the development of the project management team. Because the different process chains are interconnected, managing change means that more than one department will be affected. This enhances the complexities of managing change. However the management must maintain the continuous improvement program as a result of post-modernity as described by David Harvey. This is because the rising level of competitive rivalry forces businesses to seek new segments of the market in order to maximize shareholder wealth. This leads to the process of globalization. Normally this would increase the cost of production since the supply chain must be managed on an international basis. However in the context of post-modernity as described by David Harvey, the management in an international business can conduct the process of global segmentation in order to standardize operations across political boundaries. This facilitates the implementation of the strategy of cost minimization. This confirms the need for business process reengineering as described by Hammer Champy, 1994. As a result of this framework for strategy formulation, the competitive advantage becomes sustainable. One of the critical considerations when it comes to globalization is the need for delegation of authority. This is because consumer tastes and preferences vary across political boundaries. As a result, businesses have to vary their strategies in order to target the local market effectively. However the international business environment is characterized by a fast pace of change and therefore, local business units must be given the autonomy to formulate their own strategies. However these strategies must be in alignment with the corporate strategic focus. For this reason, delegation of authority must be supported by an efficient and effective world-wide communications structure. However in the business environment characterized by post-modernity, businesses have to reengineer their internal operations in order to meet the demands of consumerism. This standardizes demand patterns to some extent and as a result reduces the cost of operations. This also leads to the development of a sustainable competitive advantage. How to cite Because of postmodernist changes in economic conditions, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Use of Devices in Londons To Build A Fire London Essay Example For Students

Use of Devices in Londons To Build A Fire London Essay To Build a Fire Essays Use of Devices in Londons To Build A Fire Jack London uses the devices of plot, setting, and We will write a custom essay on Use of Devices in Londons To Build A Fire London specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now characterization in this short story To Build A Fire to convey his message that humans need to be social. London sets an average, middle-aged logger in a deserted Yukon trail during a wintry season. The temperature is seventy-five degrees below zero and the logger and his husky are traveling towards Henderson Creek, about ten miles away, where the loggers companions are located. London places the man in this Yukon environment to symbolize that in this cold, cruel world, we need to learn how to benefit from each other. Prior to embarking on his journey, the logger is given advice from an old-timer at Sulfur Creek that no man must travel alone in the Klondike after fifty below. The logger thinks this is rather womanish and believes he can survive by himself. Along his journey, the man encounters death as he falls into a spring, where At a place where there were no signs, where the soft, unbroken snow seemed to advertise solidity beneath, the man broke through. It was not deep. He wet himself halfway up the knees before he floundered out to the firm crust. Then the man builds a fire beneath a tree and snow falls over it putting it out. London creates these natural events in the plot to prove they are not the cause of the mans death. Using characterization, London is able to display on account of who is alive at the end how one benefits from being social. The old-timer at Sulfur Creek is alive because he is experienced and wise enough to benefit from others experiences that it is not wise to travel alone in the Yukon. The boys at camp are also alive because they are together and can benefit from each other. The loggers husky is alive because it is well-suited for the Yukon environment, while the logger is not. Unlike the other characters, London has the man die at the end of the story to display that he dies because of his arrogance in his ability to travel alone. If the man travels with a companion, he can benefit from him and possibly return safely to camp. Londons point is achieved through these three devices to prove that the cause of the loggers death is his rugged individualism which concludes to not having anyone to benefit from. Londons message is that all of us need to learn how to be social and learn how to benefit from each other in order to survive. .