Monday, December 23, 2019

The Gucci Guilty Perfume Advertisement - 1079 Words

In this Gucci Guilty perfume advertisement, there are disagreements towards gender roles in advertising, implying how women and men are portrayed. Women are often shown as more feminine, compared to men who are shown as masculine. In the men’s advertisment (ad). the male is put above the female demonstrating his control and power. According to Boundless (2016), in traditional cultural context – males are the dominant gender. The direction of the model s eyes, the man looking directly into the camera, and the woman looking up at the man, can suggest the power dynamics of the genders. Dias (2016), also stated that the way that the man is looking at the camera can suggest that he has the power in the situation and the relationship (Dias,2016). The woman looking up at the man implies that she has less power than him, and that he is what matters to her (Boundless, 2016). The gaze of the female, her posture and her red lips helps to signify affection and goes to show that she is begging for love.The framework in the scene is pitch black, a colour that indicates power and mystery, relating to the control of the male. Harley (2013) stated that the contrasting masculine colour of dark blue in the male’s eyes expresses calmness, tranquillity and guilt, which combines image/text cohesion of the active abstract noun â€Å"guilty† to the facial expression of the male (Harley, 2013). Although in the women’s ad. it is the complete opposite. The male is staring at the women lustfully while theShow MoreRelatedThe Sexual Nature Of Gucci s Fragrance For Men1563 Words   |  7 Pagesshown in our culture today has increased dramatically, in our outfits and in our advertisements. We use the human body, both male and female, to sell products ranging from perfume to hamburgers. It has become more acceptable in our culture to see more rather than leave some of the body to the imagination. This is specifically seen in the magazine advertisement for Gu cci’s fragrance for men, Guilty. This advertisement targets the male audience, specifically the heterosexual male audience. I will useRead MoreStylistic Analysis of the Advertising Slogan1927 Words   |  8 PagesStylistic Analysis Of The Advertising Slogan ---------Perfume Introduction Along with the rapid development of society and economy, advertisements have penetrated into every stratum of the society, becoming the indispensable part of our daily life. Like newspapers, magazines, television, radio, films, telephone directory, art performance, the Internet, and even the human body, advertising makes use of various media to deliver information to the consumerRead MoreThe Advertisements For Gucci s Perfume And Calvin Klein1526 Words   |  7 Pageshave a perfect body shape with beautiful facial features to be considered as attractive. Nowadays, the advertisements are taking advantage of such a social norm to lure consumers to purchase their goods. The advertisements for Gucci’s perfume and Calvin Klein’s cologne are especially good examples to demonstrate such pressure and reflect the consumers’ psychological behavior. The advertisements highlight gender stereotypes through utilizing the impression of opposite sex and incorporate an underly ingRead MoreGucci Brand Management5545 Words   |  23 PagesExecutive Summary This paper examines the brand management of Gucci, as one of today’s most prominent luxury brands. Based on literature it first looks at definitions of luxury and luxury brand equity as an expression of dream value. Then it explores the identity, brand building, brand architecture, brand stretching and strategies Gucci follows in each of its segments. In the light of the latest recession, it looks at the response strategies of the brand and sheds light on the communication challengesRead MoreEssay about Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Case6620 Words   |  27 Pagesluxury goods provider with over 1500 stores in 60 different countries employing 56,000 people all over the world. LVMH has 50 sub companies offering products in five different category lines: Wines Spirits, Fashion Leather, Watches Jewelry, Perfumes Cosmetics and Selective Retailing. â€Å"The group has nurtured the best of its brands’ unique expertise and powerful identities to become the world leader in luxury, a position it intends to maintain thanks to a strategy of sustained growthRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesIncluded within this are 24-hour television, satellite broadcasting, and a huge upsurge in the numbers of newspapers and ever far more finely targeted magazines. The advertising literacy then follows directly from this in that the sheer number of advertisements to which they have been exposed is higher than ever before. Brand literacy emerges from brands having been an integral part of lifestyles for as long as this generation has been alive, something that was not always the case with older consumers

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Shoe Store Incident Free Essays

This scenario provides a case for gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is illegal under Title VII (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). In addition, in this scenario I will provide the legal and ethical issues that arise in this case. We will write a custom essay sample on The Shoe Store Incident or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, this paper will explain what Bob should do in this scenario. Title VII Issues Discrimination comes in all shapes and sizes, and managers have to be careful not to cross the line and do the wrong thing. Companies do not want lawsuits for discrimination or anything else. The storeçâ€" ´ best customer, Imelda, probably did not intend to offend anyone nor did she probably know that she was discriminating against anyone. Many times discrimination is not intended. Customers generally believe they are always right and get what they want. However, in this instance the customer is very wrong. Requesting a female employee over a male employee is a form of discrimination, gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is illegal under Title VII (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). If Bob asks Tom to step aside and allow Mary to assist Imelda with her purchases, he will be Ã¥ ¦ ¬n violation of Title VII and can be held liable to the employee for gender discrimination. Customer preference is not a legitimate and protected reason to treat otherwise-qualified employees differently based on gender(Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007, p. 283). Legally and ethically, Manager Bob cannot swap employees Tom and Mary simply because Imelda wants it. Choice Tthe customer is promising to buy five pairs of shoes if she gets a female employee to help her. This would be a huge purchase for the store, great for the profit margin as well as a large commission for the employee. On the other hand, not providing a female employee may denote a missed sale, Imelda may leave the store. Swapping employees would cheat Tom out of his commission. This would be unethical. Tom deserves his commission; he should not be asked or told to give this up. The Shoe Store has very clear company policies. Company policy does not allow two employees to split the commission (UOPX, 2013, para. 5). As stated previously, having Tom give up his commission would not be fair. Company policy rotates employees to keep commissions as fair and equal as possible (UOPX, 2013, para. 5). Manager Bob need to explain to Imelda as nicely and calmly as possible that he is very sorry, but cannot provide her with a female employee. Bob should promise Imelda that Tom is a very nice man and that she will be in very capable hands; ensure her that Tom knows shoes and will treat her and her feet right. Bob should smile and guarantee her that she will be happy with the service she receives. Bob should apologize for the problem, explain that he contacted his regional manager to see if he could make an exception to company policy this time and was told no, and explain that the company risks a discrimination lawsuit. Finally, tell Imelda that he understands if she chooses to shop elsewhere today and apologize again. Bob should not get into an argument with the customer; it is out of the stores control. Conclusion Knowing the law is important for any manager. When questions arise that cannot be answered easily, ask for help. Title VII does not allow discrimination because of gender, meaning a man cannot be treated differently from a female and visa verse. In this case, all must be treated equally. Company policy will not allow Tom and Mary to split the commission and asking Tom to give up his commission would be illegal. Imelda will need to make her own decision whether to shop at the Shoe Store and allow Tom to assist her or leave for another store or until another day. The company must do what is right and legal. The store must treats its employees properly and do what is legal and ethical. Whereas Imelda may not be happy, the company cannot do anything that may bring a lawsuit against them. How to cite The Shoe Store Incident, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Penalty of Death free essay sample

He references that in the old days, you were sentenced and it was immediately carried out by hanging or beheading. Although he makes this statement, he also says it’s cruel to leave a prisoner waiting to die. 2) What did you learn from completing this assignment? Did you experience a new understanding of the topic? Did you change your perspective after completing the essay? I changed my perspective on this article after writing in the forum for week three. I realize now that the writer wasn’t pushing for the sentence to be carried out immediately. Instead, his intention was to help people who were sentenced to the death penalty. I was for carrying out the sentence immediately before reading his article. 3) What difficulties did you encounter during the writing or editing phases of the assignment? I enjoy reading over my writing a few times to see where I needed corrections. We will write a custom essay sample on The Penalty of Death or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the previous assignment, I wrote about my experiences with writing. I feel that I am a decent writer. 4) What did you enjoy about this assignment? I personally enjoy editing. I do this at my job regularly. Because I am a TSgt, I am responsible for reviewing and editing all of the troop’s annual reports. We call them EPRs. If I had to, I would rather edit than write. 5) Which essay did you chose from the Classic American Arguments section in your textbook? Why did you choose it? I chose â€Å"The Penalty of Death† by H. L. Mencken. I chose this article because I had to do research on the topic in my Public Speaking class. I already had a good working knowledge with this subject. Jeremy Weaver Dr. Nellie Haddad English 102 Feb 26, 2012 9:55 pm The Penalty of Death Critical Evaluation Essay In H. L. Mencken’s The Penalty of Death, the author argues the various reasons of why people are against the death penalty. His argument to them is that it is unjust to keep an inmate on death row for years. Even though the author says the death penalty has an unjust timeframe, it cannot be carried out as quickly as he would hope for because there has to be time for appeals. During the article,  Mencken portrays his argument on the death penalty. Mencken makes quite a few good points during his argument. His usage of â€Å"katharsis† is interesting in the fact that Mencken compares it to the kid placing a tack on the teacher’s chair and then laughing about it. (Mencken 525) Why doesn’t he just come out and say that the kid was yelled at earlier in the day and this is why he placed the tack on the chair. This would make better sense since he uses this term mostly as a replacement for revenge; even though he says that revenge isn’t the right word. He also explains that â€Å"The real objection to capital punishment doesn’t lie against the actual extermination of the condemned, but against our brutal American habit of putting it off for so long. (Mencken 525) This is a solid argument. If the inmate has already been given the opportunity to appeal the conviction and has not succeeded, it is time â€Å"pull the plug. † Why should he or she have to sit and wait for many months or even years? Doing so would make anyone go crazy. We might as well ca ll death row the psyche ward. The tone that Mencken uses in his argument is more personal and opinionated; using what seems to resemble a conversation with himself. Even though he ridicules the American process of the death penalty, ironically, it seems as if he is for it.